Distinctive asset testing

Most shoppers can name the brand of the KFC Colonel and Nike’s swoosh automatically, without any conscious effort. These are distinctive assets; memorable brand associations that cue the brand name, without the brand name being present.

By building and identifying your brand's distinctive assets, you can improve the ease at which your brand comes to mind, be easier to identify on shelf and in media, and ultimately improve the effectiveness of your products and communications.

  • Build and identifying
    your brand's distinctive assets

    What you will find out

    We measure a range of assets that cover the full marketing spectrum (e.g. logo, pack, media) and break them down at an individual level to deep dive into what components are really driving distinctiveness.

    We also measure your competitor assets so you can compare how your assets perform within the category and look at your historical assets to uncover any hidden gems

  • How we conduct the research

    Gain a deeper understanding of what your brand really means to your buyers

    Gain a deeper understanding of what your brand really means to your buyers

    Get in touch to find out more