The challenge

Our team of consumer psychologists and industry experts partnered with Red Bull and our group partners, Crowd and SMP to design, install and understand the effectiveness of new Energy Zone signage in forecourts to help drive traffic to the category.

  • What we did

    Our group partners, Crowd, designed the Red Bull Energy Zone signage and point of sale, whilst SMP manufactured, printed and installed it in 2 forecourt stores. We then used a comprehensive mixed methodology approach. The research was conducted in-store to understand how shoppers navigate to the fixture, the impact POS has on search within to and within the category and probe the ‘why’ behind the decisions they made during their journey.

    What we found out

    • Energy drink shoppers are highly planned and are frequent consumers, however, a third are impulse shopping the category so there’s opportunity for signage and POS to help capture those shoppers
    • Penetration to the Energy category was increased when the zone was visible to more of the store footfall
    • The new signage and POS is helping navigation to the area, particularly for infrequent shoppers

  • The results

    We compiled an in-depth debrief, which we presented to the Red Bull team.